2 min read

Managing Programs using Subprojects

By MEL on Apr 10, 2019 4:55:00 AM

Topics: Tips

It often happens, that you start to create a project and when you begin building a schedule, you realize that the number of tasks is too large. And you need to group them all into some summary tasks. But then you see a bunch of summary tasks and want to group them too.

The project becomes cumbersome and hard to manage. That’s why you need to create programs.

Programs are groups of related projects that can be managed in a coordinated manner, and their progress or outcomes can affect one another.

In the Microsoft PPM Cloud Services, you can create programs using the Master Project/Sub-Projects dependencies.

To create a program in Project Online: 

1. Create Subprojects as regular projects either in Project Web App or in Project Desktop and Publish them to your work environment;

2. Create a Master Project. Open it in the Project Desktop for editing;

3. From the Project Tab select Subproject in the Insert group;


4. Select the subproject published in the PWA you want to add;

Please, note. You can add a subproject in Read-Only mode. So, if you select this mode you will not be able to modify the subproject from the Master project.

5. After inserting all the subprojects, you can save and publish your master project to the PWA.

To view subprojects in the project center you need to select the checkbox Subprojects in the Ribbon in the Show/Hide group.


Happy Learning.

Best Regards, 
Team of Managed Services Department
Trusted IT Group



Written by MEL