I was working with one of our customer’s Project manager who wanted to understand the process of monitoring a Phase on the project and ensure that project would show the Phase expected finish date (delay or early) based on the current status.
Of course there are many ways to achieve it but would specially recommend to use the Deadline date on Summary Task.
1. Project has multiple phases and the scope is the phase which would need to be monitored very closely. Scope is the Summary Task and has 4 subtasks and a milestone.

2. At the Scope , enter the Deadline date and click OK

3. Now you can manage the project status based on the actuals from Task / Timesheets or manual if with MS Project standard.
4. Over the time, you can see the Tracking Gantt and mouse hover, you should be able to see the Summary Task status message such as Task will Finish early or late

Happy learning…
Best Regards,
Amit Khare
Director of Managed Services| MCC 2012/2011
Trusted IT Group | Cell : +1 847 340 5615 | email: amit.khare@trusteditgroup.com